Smoking Kills

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cigars-101 RSS

The Tradition of Barber Pole Cigars

Simply looking and admiring a Barber Pole Cigar; you don't immediately contemplate how much extra skill is required t...

Relighting Your Cigar - Should You? Can You?

Today Grant "The Cigar Merchant" Ovenden discusses the possibilities of relighting a Premium Cigar after it has gone ...

Do Different Tobacco Types have Specific Flavour Profiles?

Thanks to Pete for suggesting this great BLOG topic - it proved to be quite a challenge! Every different cigar line ...

Understanding Cigar Sizes and Smoking Times

Let me start that Cigar Sizes vs Smoking Times is a very subjective discussion; every person enjoys a cigar at differ...

BLOG: Simply put, not the same!

Grant "The Cigar Merchant" Ovenden discusses the subject of Cuban Cigars vs Non-Cuban Cigars (Premium Cigars).

Tupperdors - Everything You Need To Know

Tupperdors - what are they? Simply put, many years ago an aficionado ran out of space in their humidor and grabbed a ...

Cigar Basics - Cutting Your Cigar

Learn from The Cigar Merchant how to cut your cigar like a seasoned aficionado!

The Essentials Guide - Executive Summary

The Essentials Guide - Executive Summary Today I will give you a top-down essentials guide to what you need to enjoy ...

BLOG: Wrapper vs Binder vs Filler

The Cigar Merchant of New Zealand shares his thoughts on the makeup of a cigar when it comes to wrapper vs binder vs ...

Rethinking Humidity and Cigar Storage

Well for the last 30 years I've always followed the 70/70 rule (70F or 21C and 70% humidity) - however (thankfully) a...

BLOG: Mould vs Plume or Bloom

Observations & pre-amble... In the research and writing of this very very touchy subject it would be my humble be...

Anatomy of a Cigar

Today we will look at the anatomy of a cigar, what makes it so special and why. Over the past three decades it is fai...
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There will also be NO orders dispatched on Friday 13th as it is a Public Holiday here in Canterbury

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Smoking Kills

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Smoking Kills

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