novice cigar smokers RSS
Understanding Cigar Sizes and Smoking Times
Let me start that Cigar Sizes vs Smoking Times is a very subjective discussion; every person enjoys a cigar at differ...
Cigar Basics - Selecting Your Cigar
More Than a Hobby- a great Cigar is the start of your Passion
Purchasing a cigar can seem very daunting given the vas...
I've had a cigar before but didn't like it
Please let me start with why cigars are a luxury In New Zealand and should be treasured and enjoyed... we simply do n...
Cigar Basics - Cutting Your Cigar
A bad cut will ruin even the best cigar, so it is important to cut your cigar correctly to avoid disappointment later...
Pro Tip- Buy Quality Cigars
I want to be sure you understand the difference between a machine made and a hand made cigar, and the pros and cons o...