Smoking Kills

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Cigar Basics: I've Had A Cigar Before But Didn't Enjoy It

Please let me start with why cigars are a luxury In New Zealand and should be treasured and enjoyed... we simply do not have the benefits of US$2 to US$10 cigars; in-fact we pay on average NZ$60 per Toro (6" by 52) sized cigar; that is made up of an average of NZ$28.15 in excise-duty alone (tobacco tax); let alone sourcing the cigar, airfreighting it to New Zealand, paying GST; Customs & MPI fees upon importation and the cost to simply run a business in New Zealand.

For some reason the Ministry of Health lumps Cigar and Pipe smokers into the same ugly category as mass-market cigarette smokers; we are quite definitely NOT the same - we are (thanks to consecutive Governments following the Ministry of Health guidelines) slammed with an outrageous tobacco tax - used as a blunt instrument to "stem the tide" of cigarette smokers.

Problem is, it hasn't stemmed the tide because cigarette smoking is addictive thanks to the chemicals and additives the tobacco giants put into cigarettes; worse though for us; we are now paying $20 to $30 more per cigar than we did a decade ago - we the aficionados of New Zealand who are not addicted to smoking and who enjoy cigars as a luxurious enjoyment on occasion... but I digress, but to today's BLOG topic...

As explained to me many years ago by a fellow aficionado; "a good cigar is 1 1/2 to 3 hours of enjoyment and relaxation" (for most of us) - liken it to going to the movies or out with friends; it is an investment in your time and the reward should be pleasurable...


So, with that; here is my take on the "I've had a cigar before but didn't like it"...

It turns out more often than not, that their experience with a cigar was one purchased at a petrol station- a Henri Winter, Van Hartog or a Schimmelpenninck type of cigar.

What was not to like? Well, of course they didn't like it...

Side-note: a cigarette smoker is exempt- they would find those cigars palatable only because they can inhale and not cough a lung up. If you are a cigarette smoker you know what I'm talking about. Logic follows- it's a cigar. It's made of tobacco. Light it, inhale. What's not to like? Or how about this one- "I gave up smoking cigarettes years ago, now I only smoke cigars." (referring to above selection) hmm...

For the person trying a cigar for the first time these are not particularly great tasting cigars in the the world of premium cigars so it stands to reason they would not enjoy them. With premium stogies another paradigm exists. If that was their first impression then we, as aficionados, need to deprogram their brain and retrain them. They will thank us for this. Get the chair ready, strap them in, shine the spotlight in their eyes and let the session begin. It won’t hurt a bit...

Of course this is not the way to do it- get rid of the spotlight- what were you thinking?

I'm curious. Did someone buy you your first cigar? Is this how you started? When I had my first (real) cigar it was a Garo Habano and it was $15. Crazy right? Sure I had started on Henri Winterman Half-Corona's and while it didn't put me off; I was curious and figured there must be more to this new world.

As a cigar aficionado you know what to do. Introduce them to a mild to medium cigar, like a Kafie 1901 Connecticut or a Joya de Nicaragua JOYA Cabinetta and enjoy it with them, slowly.

Step them through it. Be patient.

We all have to start somewhere- it is an obligation as a Big Brother (or Sister) of the cigar fraternity to satiate the curious eager mind and guide them through the family traditions- it will leave a lasting impression. They'll remember you for it.

Here's a handy little list to make it easy for you.

The story of tobacco and how they are simply, 100% pure tobacco leaf; no added chemicals or additives
The art and skill of rolling and how over 100 hands have been in play to create this artisan cigar
The humidor and correct storage of cigars
The cut and why it is so important
The lighting and how gently toasting is better than roasting
The delicate art of drawing on your cigar, taking time
The tastes that come forward
The enjoyment of taking time out of your busy day to relax and unwind
The allure of intricate bands and box artwork
The fraternity of aficionados and the bond

Cigars are not just about smoking, it's about sharing.

Above all else, yes they may have had a bad experience; this happens with any form of enjoyment, not everyone enjoys peated whisky; not everyone enjoys dark chocolate - it all comes down to individual taste.

My favourite cigar most certainly might not be yours; it is not the end of the world by any means.

But if your friend has had one of the earlier named cigars, you owe it to them to try to educate them a little; they will if nothing else appreciate the gesture.


Much like anything "adult" related in the world - we were taught or led by example, by an older sibling, parent or close relative; we do not turn a blind eye to the nephew drinking at a rapid pace; we keep an eye out for our daughter or niece out on the town - while we largely leave them to "find their way with adult things" we are always nearby, just in case.

This isn't a "go out and tell people to start smoking cigars" BLOG - this is a commonsense guide to helping curious people to understand why that cheap service station "cigar" tasted horrible.

Much like being 18 years old and drinking Jim Beam bourbon with coke and now being 48 years old and enjoying Angel's Envy bourbon neat - we all mature, but more often than not there was a friend or relative guiding us and educating us along the way...

To finish, remember the excise-duty (tobacco tax) we are slammed with - the criminal part of this is we are hit by this blunt instrument to squash cigarette smoking; but at no point has the Ministry of Health or any Government targeted cigar and pipe smokers; in fact you will know that on the Census forms we are told NOT to tick the box if we smoke cigars or pipes as we are NOT considered "smokers"... one day a miracle may happen where our Government follows the logic of other Governments around the world and the separate out cigar and pipe smokers from the ugly cigarette demographic...

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Smoking Kills

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Smoking Kills

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