Smoking Kills

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Some fun - Seinfeld and Cigars

Come and enjoy some classic Seinfeld Cigar moments...

Kramer and the Cuban Cigars...

Kramer, My Cubans...

Kramer goes on a Cuban Cigar Hunt...

Seinfeld Smoking and Laughing (outtake)

Smoking Kramer

Kramer & Elaine Pennypacker

Kramer orders some Cubans

Kramer and the Dominicans...

Seinfeld buys some Peruvian Cigars

Seinfeld Elaine & Jerry smoking Peruvian Cigars

Seinfeld - The Cigar Store Indian

Smoking Kramer

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Order disruptions this week

There will also be NO orders dispatched on Friday 13th as it is a Public Holiday here in Canterbury

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This site is only for New Zealand Adults, by entering this site you are verifying that you are 18 years or older and you will provide Proof of Age to verify this.

This site does not sell/ship any products outside of New Zealand.

This site does not sell cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco or vape/e-cigarettes.


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Smoking Kills

Ka mate koe i te kai hikareti

Smoking Kills

Ka mate koe i te kai hikareti

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